Earwax removal
Warsash & Sarisbury Green
Earwax removal specialists, Warsash & Sarisbury Green
Saturday appointments Available.
01489 357 804
What is Microsuction?
Ear Microsuction is the safest and most effective way to treat the build up of earwax. We use a high-powered microscope to look down the narrow ear canal while using a gentle suction device to clean the ear without the use of water. The suction device acts like a vacuum cleaner, helping to loosen and remove any built up earwax.
A safe and effective treatment for the removal of earwax
The Procedure
There is no preparation required for our treatment. A gentle suction device is used to clean the ear without the use of water. Treatment time is short and.only takes an average of 15 – 20 minutes to complete the ear wax removal procedure depending upon the amount and consistency of the wax/debris in the ear. If the object being removed is hard, then removal can be slightly uncomfortable. Our team members will always talk you through each step of the procedure, and advise you if they think it is going to be uncomfortable.
Instant results
The procedure is over in just a few minutes and most clients notice and instant improvement in hearing and discomfort, particularly if there was a build up of earwax.
Precision accuracy
The microscope we use during the procedure gives us a complete and clear
view of the ear canal meaning we can work safely and precisely.
No preparation required
Microsuction is a dry procedure that doesn’t require any drops, gels, and fluids.
This means there’s less risk of infection or an allergic reaction.
Safe for anyone
Unlike other methods of earwax removal like syringing and irrigation, Microsuction is safe for anyone including patients with perforated ear drums or previous ear infections.
How do I know if I need ear microsuction?
Ear wax as is a normal secretion of the ceruminous glands in the outer meatus (ear canal). A build-up of wax is more likely to occur in older adults, hearing aid users, people who insert implements into the ear or have narrow ear canals. Difficulty hearing the ear feeling full or squelchy light pain the ear canal these are all signs that you may have impacted earwax, A ear canal examination with a high powered microscope is the most effective method to determining weather you need Microsuction treatment.
Blocked ears?
If your ears feel full or blocked
Muffled sounds?
If sound is muffled or you find it hard to hear conversation
Ear ache?
If you have pain in your ear or around your ear